Transforming the Patient Experience

Innovation in Healthcare

The healthcare world is undergoing a significant digital transformation, thanks to conversational commerce technologies and Artificial Intelligence.

These innovations offer more efficient and personalized access to healthcare, improving the experience for both patients and providers.

SHIMLI can benefit clinics, doctors, hospitals, health centers, psychologists, wellness centers and pharmacies.

Use cases

Implement SHIMLI in the Health Sector

Chatbots for
frequently asked questions

Answer common questions from patients, providing quick and accurate information.

Ongoing Support

It offers continuous support to patients after their consultations or treatments through reminders and advice.

for Pharmacies

Advises clients on the use and side effects of medications, and to manage prescription orders.

Automated Appointment Management

Automates appointment scheduling, improving efficiency and patient experience.

Bring your conversations to all channels.
Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Calls, Telegram